Humpback Whales in Kauai

Here is a video that Ashley and I took on one of hikes in Kauai, at the Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge. During the winter months in Kauai humpback Whales inhabit the waters off the island. (They are most abundant in the waters around Kauai, Lanai, Maui, and Molokai). We literally saw approximately 50 different humpback whales on our trip and got many pictures of whales all over the island.

The Whales migrate to Hawaii to mate, give birth and care for their young.  Adults usually range from 42 - 45 feet and weigh approximately 35 - 40 tons. As you can see in the video above and in the pictures below you can see the whales blow, head slap, tail slap and fluke up dive.  If you visit Hawaii during this time of the year make sure you take a catamaran ride or bring your camera to the beach as you are almost guaranteed to see whales either way. Some of the pictures below are from some of our other hikes, our hotel balcony, or the catamaran ride we took.


  1. A little bummed I didn't see any whales when I went to Hawaii -- though we went in July. Didn't see any from the shore.


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