Hiking Survey

Ashley and I recently received an email for a request regarding our hiking blog.  We receive multiple emails a day for wide range of things, but this one was unique as it was a college student at the University of North Alabama asking for help regarding a hiking survey she was doing studying trail ethics, so we told her we would help her out and allow a guest post in the hopes she might get some more information for her survey.  If you are interested and have free time, here is information about the survey and a link to the survey at the bottom.

My name is Mary Katherine Osborn and I am a senior at the University of North Alabama (UNA) seeking to further my career in psychology at a graduate level. Graduate schools are extremely competitive and require a great deal of research experience. At UNA, students take on a research project in which the professors help them through the research project start to finish. With a love for the outdoors, I chose to do my project on hiking. I am also receiving a degree in biology from UNA and I have a great concern for the “health status” of nature. My concern led me to study trail ethics and how people, particularly hikers, view ethics depending on several variables including demographics, religion, and hiking experience. I enjoy hiking immensely and want others to enjoy it as well and I see the importance in preserving it for others. Upon completing the study, we plan to present our results as a paper at a national scientific convention and depending on the results, and we make seek publication of the results in a scientific journal, related to psychology.  In addition, it will provide us with some guidance as to which variables to examine more closely in future studies.
