Here is some information on the third annual Orange County Wildflower Photo Contest as provided by the Orange County Register. (Starts Monday)
The third annual Orange County Wildflower Photo Contest starts March 21 with prizes awarded to the judges' picks for best photos and to winners decided by voters as their favorites. The contest runs from March 21 through April 21 and is sponsored by the Orange County Register and the OC Hiking Club. There is no entry free, and photos will be submitted online. We'll have more details on how to enter, rules, prizes and photo tips later. Prizes will be awarded this year at the SoCal Wildflower Fest & Hike-a-Thon April 30 at Irvine Regional Park. The all-day festival will feature wildflower hikes, orienteering, music, food, outdoors skills clinic and photography demonstrations. The festival is sponsored by the OC Register and OC Hiking Club and OC Parks. The winning photos will also appear in the Orange County Register and The categories for photos this year include:
- Nature – Wildflowers.
- Wildflowers with people and/or pets.
- Nature only – Wildflowers without any trace of human interaction or interference. For example, no dirt trails, fence posts, non-indigenous plants.
- Non-native flowers.
- Wildflowers youth – Any wildflowers shot by youth 18 and under. (Proof of age will be required for prize winners.)
For more information about the contest look at the Register Article by clicking Here. They have not started the photograph contest yet, but we will inform you when they do and when you can upload photos.
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