2011 Year in Review

2011 has been a great year for Brian and Ashley's Hiking Blog. Readership continues to grow as people find the hiking resources we offer. Additionally, we made a couple of minor remodels of the blog this year to support the growth of the blog. One of the neat things about 2011 was that we had the opportunity to do several guests post on other blogs. This year has been a great year for hiking new trails as we have added over 30 new hiking trails to our blog. We now have over 95 different hiking trails that are detailed on Brian and Ashley's Hiking Blog. The number of fans who like our Facebook page has steadily continued to grow, with now over 300 likes.  In late 2011 we also joined the realm of Twitter and now have over 40 subscribers.

The biggest thing Ashley and I enjoy are all the comments/feedback that we get from our readers about the hikes that they have done. Your comments, stories, and feedback continue to make this blog better and is always welcome!

Ashley and I want to say a special thanks to all our readers and we hope that 2012 is a great hiking year for you and that you have a Happy New Year! We know that 2012 is going to be a great year for us as we begin the new year with our upcoming wedding on January 7. Sorry for the lack of posts over the last several weeks. Posts will continue to be light through the month of January as our wedding is fast approaching!


  1. Thank you for putting together the resources. I love the maps you created!


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Ashley and I encourage and welcome our readers to submit comments about their experiences on the trails we have posted on our blog or about their own hiking experiences in general.